Developer: Double Fine Productions |
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Players: 1+ Player Game |
Genre: Action

Release Date: 10/13/09

brutal.jpgThe eagerly anticipated Brutal Legend continues development and as the game gets closer and closer to completion, Developer Double Fine Productions is slowly revealing more and more in the game. Such is the case with our latest impression of the title. Currently, the title is being shown on the Xbox 360 but a PS3 version is being released at the same time later this year.

In the demo shown, Brutal Legend was pure combat. Players acquire an Axe, The Separator, and a Guitar, Clementine, to vanquish foes. For all of your close combat, The Separator is used–while the long-range attacks are done via Clementine. Combat has a bit of a rhythm to it if you want to string together attacks. And as you gain more abilities and combos, the string of buttons used for these attacks will grow in complexity.

One of the new missions being shown is to heal a wounded member if your parter by finding the Killmaster. This leads you on a quest up a mountain with various demons blocking the path until you eventually get to the Killermaster. In true videogame form, you are told that bass guitar he uses to heal people doesn’t have thick enough strings for this particular type of injury. So you are sent into a Metal Spider Queen’s lair to get thicker strings. No queen metal spider wants to give up their strings so you will have to not only defeat her but get back to Killmaster before a timer runs out via a motorcycle.

Speaking of vehicles, they do play a large role in Brutal Legend. Your main vehicle, The Deuce, starts off with limited weapons and speed. As the game progresses, you will get the opportunity to upgrade your vehicle and transform it into a sophisticated killing machine with a variety of weapons to help smoke anything in your path.

Brutal Legend is shaping up to be a great looking title and the game is currently on schedule to come out this October. We look forward to bringing you more information on the title as we continue at E3 2009.

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By Kaleb Rutherford – 06/01/09
ESRB Details: – Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes –

This is an action adventure/role-playing game that tells the story of Eddie Riggs, a roadie who is transported to a mythical world of heavy metal rock. Eddie is armed with a guitar and a double-headed axe, which players can use to slash and dismember enemies. Players can also perform ‘face-melting solos’ (literally melting enemies’ faces), meet humanoid creatures dressed like dominatrixes—brandishing whips—, and liberate an army of rockers from a life of oppression. Although the storyline is often irreverent and whimsical, the depictions of violence are somewhat intense: Undead humanoids are dismembered with an axe (sometimes in slow-motion); a ‘Steel-Quilled Blade’ causes human enemies to explode into gibs that rain down; machine guns, missile launchers, and sub woofers can be used to kill druids and other fantastical creatures. Eddie can also run over dozens of enemies with his hot rod, resulting in blood effects and more heads and limbs getting chopped off. During the course of the game, characters sometimes engage in suggestive dialogue intended for comedic effect (e.g., ‘Maybe with all your feedback, you guys could just blow me over the gorge’ and ‘Playtime’s over. Now let’s get back to the orgy’). Players will also encounter ‘Skull Rakers’ clad in bondage gear and amazon-like warriors dressed in leather outfits that partially reveal buttocks and breasts. Strong profanity (e.g., ‘f*ck,’ ‘sh*t,’ and ‘d*ck’) can be heard in the dialogue.

Screenshots for Pre-E3 2009: Brutal Legend