Starting today, you can get your little grubby hands on the biggest 3DS handheld Strategy RPG–Fire Emblem Awakening. Nintendo is making the game available on their eShop as a full downloadable title or at retail as a cartridge. 

In addition to the game, Nintendo is selling a limited edition Fire Emblem Awakening 3DS Bundle that includes a special Blue 3DS with Fire Emblem artwork, a 4 GB Memory Card, and a download voucher for Fire Emblem Awakening. You can grab this bundle for $199.99 while supplies last.

In other Strategy news, Mode7 is bringing Frozen Synapse, a popular PC Strategy Game to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita in 2013. Demi Gounari, Art Director at Mode7, had this to say:

“Our vision is to reinvent the game’s aesthetics and interactivity in the same way that Mode7 reinvented strategy gaming with this title.”

3DS gamers will be pleased to know that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will be coming on the platform later this week on 2/12/13. Despite a strange name, you will be able to try out your skills against guest racers Danica Patrick and Wreck-It Ralph. The 3DS cartridge will come with 20 tracks and allow multiplayer gameplay over a single cartridge.

A new Kickstarter project is up for a title called Project Awakened that is made up from ex-Midway Devs. They also have worked closely with Epic and the Unreal Engine 3 and 4. Chip Sineni, Phosphor Games Studio Director, had this to say about their new Kickstarter Project.

“Project Awakened is without a doubt the game we’ve always dreamed of making as developers and playing as gamers.  We realize how challenging this game is to make, but we have the ability and technology with the Unreal Engine 4 to deliver it.  Project Awakened is a game that virtually every publisher loved, but was afraid to make, so we are taking our idea to core gamers through Kickstarter and asking the community to become our publisher.”

In other Kickstarter news, Vivax is needing your help in its last eight days to deliver a briefcase, for your notebook, that can withstand even a car driving over it! Learn more about it at their Kickstarter page.

Moving away from Kickstarter, Sony Online Entertainment has announced new updates to their Free to Play Planetside 2. According to their press release, this “Live Update 02” includes improvements to infantry, vehicles, UI, experience, facilities, audio, and items.

We spoke last week about IGN being sold to Ziff Davis and its parent company J2 Global. It appears that the deal went through and the terms are not being disclosed. News Corp wanted at least 100 Million for IGN and reports say they didn’t get nearly that much. The deal will bring 1Up, File Planet, GameSpy, AskMen, and IGN to Ziff Davis and J2 Global.

By Kaleb Rutherford – 02/04/13

Screenshots for M3: My Morning Musings – Fire Emblem Launches, Kickstarter Projects, & More