5.26.17 M3: My Morning Musings: Spencer on Scorpio Power, Castlevania Teaser, Monster Hunter Switch, & More
Today on M3: My Morning Musings: Phil Spencer talks about the power of Scorpio, I question if VR is Dead, We detail the games inside Xbox Game Pass, The Netflix Castlevania Animated Series gets a Teaser Trailer, Far Cry 5 is Revealed by Ubisoft, Ys returns after 8 Year Delay, Arms Gets a Preview Event, and Monster Hunter XX is Announced for Nintendo Switch.
Phil Spencer on Scorpio
Phil Spencer was on Twitter this week talking about the Power of the new Scorpio version of Xbox One. While we hope to get a finalized name, price, and release date at E3, Spencer was answering a question: “Games like Destiny 2 and COD will look better on Xbox Scorpio?”
Phil answered: “I’m very confident, from what we are seeing and hearing, Scorpio will be the very best console version of games this year..”
We could analyze this a bit more than we should but I would like to state that the phrase “this year” is in there. Is Phil worried the next version of PlayStation will show up next year or soon after? Also, I have been on record, especially on Parents Press Play & Friends, that Scorpio is going to be putting its focus on being the best place to play Third Party games instead of being the best place for exclusives. If this is true, it is a bad sign for Microsoft.
Is VR Dead?
Oculus has been at every E3 since they had official hardware. They were even in Bethesda’s booth with John Carmack while the Kickstarter was still going. Sadly, VR has been a bit of failure in my opinion. The hardware is all very expensive, there are few, if any, major AAA experiences, and now key players like Oculus aren’t even showing up at E3 2017 to show off the hardware or any of the games that take advantage of it.
Do I have VR appointments on my calendar for E3 2017? Yes. Does that mean I am not excited about those games? No. I just don’t feel there is value for the consumer to purchase a unit. In fact, I do not personally own any VR headset for PC or PS4.
VR may become a big thing. I just don’t see it happening until the price is much more reasonable and there is a lot more content being made for it.
Xbox Game Pass Detailed
We talked a few days ago about the Xbox Game Pass and a handful of the games being made available for the $9.99 service on Xbox One. The full list of the initial 112 games has now been made available. This includes a mixture of both Xbox One and Xbox 360 Content. Check out the list to see if you find this list of games worth an investment of $9.99 a month.
1. A Kingdom for Keflings
2. The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
3. Comix Zone
4. Defense Grid 2
5. Electronic Super Joy
6. Farming Simulator 15
7. Gears of War 3
8. Hexic 2
10. A World of Keflings
11. Age of Booty
12. Banjo-Kazooie
13. Banjo Kazooie: N n B
14. Banjo-Tooie
15. BC – Rearmed 2
16. BioShock
17. BioShock 2
18. BioShock Infinite
19. Blood Bowl 2
20. Borderlands
21. Bound by Flame
22. Braid
23. Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons
25. CastleStorm
26. Comic Jumper
27. D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die
28. Dark Void
29. de Blob 2
30. Defense Grid
32. DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition
33. Double Dragon Neon
34. Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
35. Fable III
36. Final Fight: DblImpact
37. FLOCK!
38. Galaga Legions DX
39. Gears of War
40. Gears of War 2
41. Gears of War: Judgment
42. Gears of War: Ultimate Edition – Day One Version
43. GRID 2
44. Halo 5: Guardians
45. Halo: Spartan Assault
46. Iron Brigade
47. Jetpac Refuelled
48. Joe Danger 2: The Movie
49. Joe Danger Special Edition
50. Joy Ride Turbo
51. JumpJet Rex
52. Kameo
55. Perfect Dark Zero
56. Pumped BMX +
57. Resident Evil 0
58. Roundabout
59. Sacred 3
60. Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
61. Sam&Max Beyond Time…
62. Sam&Max Save the World
63. Samurai Shodown II
64. ScreamRide
65. Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co.
66. Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe
67. Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World
68. Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage
69. Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse
72. Spelunky
73. Knight Squad
74. KYUB
75. Layers of Fear
76. LEGO Batman
77. Lumo
78. Mad Max
80. Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
81. Mega Coin Squad
82. Mega Man® Legacy Collection
83. Metal Slug 3
84. Monday Night Combat
85. Splosion Man™
86. MX vs ATV Reflex
87. N+
88. NBA 2K16
90. OlliOlli
91. OF: Dragon Rising
93. Splosion Man
94. Stacking
95. Steredenn
96. Strider
97. Sunset Overdrive
98. Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings
99. Super Time Force
101. Terraria
102. The Golf Club
103. KOF98UM
104. The Maw
105. The Swapper
106. Toy Soldiers
107. Toy Soldiers: Cold War
108. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
109. Viva Piñata
110. Viva Piñata: TIP
111. WWE 2K16
112. XCOM®: Enemy Within
Also, Microsoft says they will be updating this list of titles in the future. That may mean some get added and some get removed. No details on how that will work.
Castlevania Netflix Animated Series Teaser
Netflix has revealed a teaser for their upcoming animated version of Castlevania based on the NES game Castlevania: Dracula’s Curse. The teaser shows off a Netflix interface on an actual NES before it goes into the trailer.
Being a huge fan of the Castlevania franchise, and someone begging for a 2D Nintendo Switch version of a Castlevania game, I am excited for the July 7, 2017 premiere of this new Netflix series. You can watch the trailer here:
Far Cry 5 Revealed
Ubisoft has revealed artwork for the next installment in the Far Cry series: Far Cry 5. Set in Hope County Montana, This appears to be a lot different than previous entries into the franchise. The artwork shows off a Last Supper like painting with a sinister man in the middle with an American flag, what appears to be a Bible, a Church in the background, all sorts of weapons, and a person bowing in front of the table with the Word SINNER scratched into their backs.
Hopefully we will learn more about this title at E3 2017. If not, the look on my face will be like the character in the middle of that image!
Ys Returns to North America on Sony Platforms
NIS America has revealed that the next installment of the Ys franchise will be coming to PlayStation 4 and PS Vita on September 12, 2017. While I am super excited for another entry in the Ys Universe, my heart wants to see this game on the Nintendo Switch. Heck, I think my heart wishes everything was on the Nintendo Switch now! Either way, getting a new Ys game for the first time in eight years is very exciting and I will pretend my PS4 is in TV mode!
We have time scheduled with NIS America at E3 and I am sure this is one of the titles they will be showing us. I will happily report back how it is looking.
You can view the opening movie trailer of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA below:
Arms Preview Event
Arms is getting a special preview event from May 26-28 and June 2-4. You can read about the specific times the preview event will be available on the Arms website. arms releases on June 16 for the Nintendo Switch.
Monster Hunter XX Coming to Nintendo Switch
Capcom has revealed that they plan on releasing Monster Hunter XX on the Nintendo Switch. A Japanese release date will be revealed at the Monster Hunter Championship 2017. Will Capcom or Nintendo let us know when the game will come to Western shores during E3 2017?
This was one of the games I was going to have in my predictions or E3. So I guess I can scratch this one off my list as E3 shows it is less and less important with each and every announcement that gets leaked out before the event even begins.
Despite my feelings on the subject, a Monster Hunter game on the Nintendo Switch is going to be a very big deal to the platform. This should make the Switch sell even better than it already has. Also, I will probably give the franchise a try again after taking a break from it for a while.
Kaleb Rutherford
In 1997, Kaleb started CVGames and since then ttended and covered a variety of different events for the public including PAX, QuakeCon, E3, and many others. With over 20 E3 events covered, there isn't much that surprises Kaleb anymore in the industry as he has seen it all.
Kaleb is married to Emily and they have been together over 20 years. They have 4 boys who share a passion and love for technology and gaming as well.
Kaleb started Parents Press Play to begin podcasting and reaching a more casual segment of the world that tends to have coverage dominated by by "Hardcore," or "Core players. CVGames still exists to cover that section of users.
Combining CVGames and Parents Press Play together, Kaleb created CVGN: The Covering Video Games Network. While world domination is unlikely, our passionate team continues to strive to inform the different audiences with content we are passionate about.
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