Author: RyanSchaefer

Pre E3 2011: Microsoft

It’s hard to believe a year has past since the last E3, yet here we are getting ready for gaming’s premier convention once again.  Last year, Microsoft redesigned their Xbox 360 and finally gave everyone a look at what Kinect could do.  Reactions were mixed,…

E3 2008: Legendary

There are a lot of big games coming out for the Xbox 360 in the next few months. So many in fact, that we may accidentally overlook a few gems here and there. I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen with Spark Unlimited’s upcoming first person shooter Legendary.

E3 2008: Tomb Raider Underworld

Lara Croft has witnessed somewhat of a renaissance over the last few years as the development team at Crystal Dynamics has delivered two solid entries into the once tired franchise. Tomb Raider: Legend was one of the first games that I really got into on the Xbox 360.

Soul Calibur 4

Namco Bandai’s popular fighting series is set to make its debut on current generation hardware at the end of this month. With the release getting so close, we figured it was time to take an in-depth look at the game and show you just why this entry in the series promises to be another blockbuster.