Return of the Regular Guy
As the lyrics go, It’s been a while… So how are you? Glad to hear it… me, I’m not so bad. I’ve got nice things on the horizon, or rather us PS2 owners do. If you look to your left you’ll see Spiderman (game based movie action hitting us around Mayish). If you’ve seen the recent trailer for the video game you’ll be just as excited as I am.
Penguin Power on the PS2?
The Xbox might run on some form of the Windows operating system, but with this new add-on bundle for the Playstation 2 that Sony recently announced, your console system can also double as a personal computer. That’s right, friends and neighbors; Linux is coming to the PS2.
Developers Speak Out: Prisoner of War Part 1
Technologies like Microsoft’s DirectMusic and our own Wide Sounds API are enabling developers to create audio for games in a way that, until now, has not been possible. Developers are able to go beyond movie-style soundtracks and really utilize music and audio in groundbreaking and innovative ways.
Has Square lost their magic touch?
One company is known worldwide for incredibly deep stories, involving characters you actually care about, in worlds where miracles happen, the good guys win in the end, and fantasy becomes reality. This company is Square.
Japanese Support, the Key to Console Dominance
Once upon a time, there were two strong companies fighting for dominance in the sixteen bit era-Sega and Nintendo. After running away with the industry during the 8 bit era, Nintendo found itself with a serious competitor with the Sega Genesis.
Consoles Vs. PCs
You hear a lot of rumors that PC gaming is dying out, and that the console is the one holding the smoking gun; personally, I think someone has gotten a hold of some wacky weed. Why you ask? The console format is something akin to a disposable camera; you use it then toss it (or pile ë¥ up in the closet in my case).
Requiem For a Dreamcast
The Dreamcast is dying and it is already considered dead by most gamers. Already, there are no more Dreamcasts in production and the software will slowly peter out until all that is left is a nice bit of memories. (Sigh)
Game Boy Advance
I held the standard US Postal Service package in my hands. But how could this be Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance?
GameCube Launches Quietly in Japan
Nintendo’s Japanese launch of the GameCube was less than stellar. I’m sure many reasons factor into this. The bitter taste of the Nintendo 64’s semi-failure, little in the way of launch games, little in the way of advertisements or maybe it was because no pre-orders were taken.
Successful Evolution is Key to Existence
Adventure games have existed since the dawn of computer gaming. The style of adventure games has ranged from simple text based games to complex modern adventures, which boast powerful 3D graphics, spoken dialogue and crisp sound effects.
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